File Upload

File Upload

Giving users the ability to add files and media to your site’s forms can make it way easier for you to collect the information you need.

Table of Contents

Watch It In-Action

How to Activate & Use This Feature

To add a new File Upload Field, click on the "+ Add Element" button
Then click over "File Upload" and that's it! You've added a file upload field to your form.

Settings & Options

Add a title to your file upload field.
Add a placeholder to your file upload field. For example: "Upload your ID"
You can customize the types of files that your customers are gonna be able to upload
You can set a maximum upload size in kilobytes (kbs)

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

With the upload field, your customers will be able to communicate more efficiently, as they will be able to include all kinds of files complementing their submit

There are plenty of supported files

 (.doc, .xls, .ppt, and .pdf)
Images (.png, .gif, and .jpg)
Video (.mpg, .mov, and .wmv)
Audio (.wav, .mp3, and .mp4)

Additional Information

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