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The features that make our calculator unique

Check out all our free and premium features to take the most out of your Stylish Cost Calculator

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Table of Content


Frontend components your users will interact with


Frontend components your users will interact with


Frontend components your users will interact with

Frontend Styles

Frontend components your users will interact with

Frontend Features

Frontend components your users will interact with

Table of Content

Price Calculation Form Fields

Select one or more frontend components to allow a user to interact with the quote or payment form

Dropdown Menu

Create a list with multiple options for your products or services.
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Sliding Scale Fee Calculator

Create bulk Discount, multiply elements & More!
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Bulk Quantity Discounts

Create a sliding scale & bulk price discounts with a single element
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Checkbox / Radio Buttons

Accept terms & conditions, select items and much more!
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Simple Buttons

Add buttons or call to actions within your calculator forms
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Image Buttons

Add custom links to your images and use them as buttons
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Quantity Input Box

Let users type numbers quickly with a numeric keypad
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Price Range

The perfect solution for businesses operating with flexible pricing!
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Distance-Based Calculations

Businesses can charge precise shipping or delivery fees based on real-world distance.
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Math Elements

Take your forms to the next level by adding math to calculate fees, shipping costs and more!

Advanced Pricing Formula

Customize the price of a product or service using variables
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Fee & Discount Adjuster

Add custom math to affect the total cost. For example: The shipping cost
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Date Picker & Date Range

Let your customers choose dates and ranges effortlessly. Perfect for bookings, schedules, and more.
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User Input Form Fields

You can use these fields to collect data, add simple text or basic HTML code to your forms

File Upload

Let your customers upload files for an improved experience while completing the form
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Comment Box

Let your customers add extra details on their submit, ask questions, etc
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Raw Text & HTML

Add raw text or basic HTML tags to your forms to describe sections or explain elements
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The Stylish Cost Calculator can be used with a payment gateway to collect payments immediately


Allow your customers to pay with the world most famous gateway
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Paying with Stripe is safe and easy, your customers will love it!
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Stripe Subscriptions

Manage subscriptions seamlessly with Stripe.
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Link the items and products with your WooCommerce shop
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Start selling your products and services faster

With WordPress's most powerful Cost Calculator Plugin


Cost calculator and payment forms are difficult to build. That’s why we create an easy-to-use dashboard to setup and build your cost calculator, price estimation or payment form

Drag & Drop Builder

17 One-Click Loading Templates

Backup & Restore


The Stylish Cost Calculator can be used send quotes by email which is great for lead generation

SMS Quote

Keep clients informed with instant SMS quotes and updates.

Detailed List View

Show your customers a detailed list of all items and products

Leads Management

Manage, download and export leads at a dedicated backend screen

Frontend Styles

Customize the check-out and quotation process with these world-class frontend features

Frontend Style 1

This style gives you responsive options (found in the advanced options menu).

Frontend Style 2

This style places the titles on top of the element while making the element full width
total bar example

4 Total Bar Styles​

You can switch between 4 different total bar styles to fit your website look & feel

Animated Buttons

Select the animated style you like best for your button. You can choose between 4 different styles.

user action buttons
infographics Hide or Blur Total Price

Hide or Blur Total Price

Create curiosity and boost conversions!

Frontend Features

Customize the check-out and quotation process with these world-class frontend features
infographic feat conditional logic

Conditional Logic

Customize your form’s behavior based on specific actions

Coupon Codes

Create and manage special discounts on percentage or fixed rates
coupon codes
infographic feat multi totals mike

Multiple Totals

Place the calculator total anywhere on your website using a shortcode

Frontend Tool-Tips

Add Clarity & Guide Your Customers Through Your Services

infographics tooltip
Multi step form

Multi-step Form

Split your form into multiple steps with a multi-step calculator form