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Add Distance-Based Calculations
To Your Forms

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Table of Contents

Distance Based Calculations Description

Feature Description

The Distance-Based Calculations feature extends the functionality of the Stylish Cost Calculator, breaking away from the confines of typical calculation tasks. Now, with seamless Google Maps integration, businesses can charge precise shipping or delivery fees based on real-world distance. Designed specifically for WordPress users, this module (distance calculator) is not just a tool but an enhancement, elevating the utility and precision of your service and area-based charges. 

What Are Some Use Cases?

Here are some of the resources and tools you will have access to as soon as you become a member of Prosper.

Accurate Shipping
and Delivery Rates

Ensure customers are charged the right amount, every time.

versatile blue


Ideal for DJ businesses, T-shirt printing companies, catering services, and more.


User Experience

By using distance-based calculations, you can ensure clarity and precision, enhancing user trust and reducing cart abandonment.

How It Works

Adding Real-World Distance to Your Calculations in Five Steps

It works by measuring the distance between two addresses and applies a per kilometre (miles and kilometers) cost to each unit. Businesses can lock in the first address as the default address to compare it against. Or, allow users to choose between two locations, becoming a distance calculator tool.

Step 1 . API Integration

First, add the Google Maps API to the global settings page of the Stylish Cost Calculator.

Step 2. Add The Module

Modify or create a new calculator form and introduce the “Distance-Based Calculations” module.

Step 3. Pricing Parameters

Determine your rate, whether per kilometer or meter.

Step 4. Address Inputs

Give users the flexibility to input two addresses or lock one as your business location.

Step 5. Mandatory Selection

Decide if users must provide this data or if it remains an optional field.


Stylish Cost Calculator is exclusively for WordPress and, for this feature, integrates effortlessly with the Google Maps API. For broader application connectivity, webhook features allow integration with platforms like Zapier or, connecting you to 5000+ apps.

Use Cases

Who Benefits Most from Distance-Based Calculations?

From DJ businesses planning their next gig to catering companies delivering food across town, or T-shirt printing companies managing bulk orders, this feature is designed for those who need precise distance calculations to determine service and delivery charges.


Going Beyond the Competition


While several plugins offer distance-based calculations, most are mere add-ons for platforms like WooCommerce or are limited to single-function tools. Stylish Cost Calculator’s distance-based module integrates this utility within a richer environment, providing additional features like tax calculations, lead generation, automation, volume-based discounts, and much more.

User Testimonials / Reviews

Coming Soon!
This feature is freshly baked, and we’re eager to hear your experiences and stories.

Frequently asked questions

The plugin uses Google Maps API to fetch real-world distances between points, then calculates costs based on rates you set.

Anywhere Google Maps works, our plugin works!

The primary focus is on distance-based shipping (google maps distance calculator). Think of it as a per kilometer or meter rate.

All features and add-ons of Stylish Cost Calculator are free in one simple pricing.

Ready to Take Distance-Based Calculations for a Spin?

Experience the utility, precision, and versatility for yourself. Dive into our playground and get hands-on with the feature.

Wrapping Up

The distance calculator map is more than just a simple tool; it’s an innovative solution tailored for businesses aiming to measure distance with accuracy and efficiency. Whether it’s for delivery services needing to find the distance between multiple points along a supply route or construction firms calculating the length of a straight line for a new project, this calculator stands out. Users can swiftly enter an address or a set of coordinates, and the calculator will then display the exact mileage in miles or kilometers. Notably, this feature takes elevation into account, ensuring that transportation and logistics companies get precise readings, even in terrains with varying altitudes. Additionally, businesses can save their frequently used routes using the bookmark feature and share the map with partners or teams via platforms like Twitter or Facebook.


The tool empowers businesses by allowing them to draw a line on a map, automatically updating as adjustments are made to the route. It’s about optimizing operations, from supply chain logistics to service deliveries. Companies can track each segment of their routes, switch between different pathways, and calculate the length needed for specific projects. Real-time elevation details can be invaluable for industries such as construction or telecommunications, where height matters. The output capabilities of the calculator provide features like the ability to circle or mark specific areas, essential for highlighting a property’s border or fence line. For firms that manage extensive data, they can sync their saved routes across devices, ensuring that their teams always have the latest information on hand. Plus, with the distance calculator’s ability to suggest additional insights, businesses are equipped with every detail they need, down to the length in feet of a significant object on a plot or street.

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