
Unleash Your Potential: Become A Lead Generation Machine

Easy Way To Get More Clients
Joana Galvao
Masterclass W/ Joana Galvao
Joana Galvao 2024

Table of Contents

Lead generation is key to business growth. We know this firsthand at Ottawa Electric. Our founder, Matt Fortin, built the company from scratch into a thriving operation with multiple vans and loyal customers.

Now, we’re excited to share insights from Joana Galvao’s masterclass on becoming a lead generation expert.

Joana Galvao

Galvao, co-founder of Gift Design Studios in Portugal, has mastered the art of getting more clients. Her agency saw its most profitable months during her four-month maternity leave - without her touching a single email.

How? By focusing on three pillars: permission, performance, and perseverance.

Despite investing heavily in paid marketing, Galvao found referrals were still her top source of new business. She emphasizes personal connections, like her interaction with publicist Selena Sue that led to $50,000 in new work.

Small gestures go a long way too – think postcards and memorable emails to keep clients coming back.

We’ll explore Galvao’s strategies for defining ideal clients, tapping into networks, and making the most of word-of-mouth marketing. Plus, we’ll cover how tools like Pipedrive and Calendly can streamline your lead management process.

We’re excited to share these strategies to enhance your client acquisition.

Key Takeaways

  • 91% of B2B buyers are influenced by word-of-mouth recommendations, making personal connections crucial for lead generation.
  • Documenting processes and systems helps create consistent outcomes and boost business performance.
  • Charging more for fewer projects can improve work-life balance and reduce employee stress.
  • Building relationships through networking, social media, and industry events is key to attracting new clients.
  • The three core pillars of lead generation are permission (targeting ideal clients), performance (delivering exceptional results), and perseverance (consistent follow-up and communication).

Importance of Consistent Outcomes in Business Operations

Consistent outcomes in business operations are key to long-term success. They help create reliable systems and boost overall performance.

The Necessity of Documenting Processes and Systems

At Ottawa Electric, we’ve learned that documenting every step of our service process is crucial. It ensures our team delivers consistent, high-quality work every time. We create detailed templates for proposals and standard operating procedures (SOPs), which streamline our operations and maintain our standards.

This approach has been key to our growth from a solo operation to a thriving company with multiple vans and a loyal customer base.


IT working on laptop computer business processes document management system

Our commitment to documentation extends to our sales pipeline. We use tools like Pipedrive and Calendly to automate lead management and scheduling. This system allows us to track potential clients efficiently, from initial contact to project completion.

By recording each interaction and outcome, we’ve built a robust database that informs our strategies and improves our service delivery.

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Documentation is the foundation of consistency and quality in our business.

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Success Defined in Business Performance and Mental Well-being

We’ve redefined success at Ottawa Electric. It’s not just about our bottom line anymore. We measure our achievements through a dual lens: business performance and team well-being. This approach has transformed our work culture, reducing employee stress and boosting overall satisfaction.

Our new strategy involves charging more for projects while taking on fewer jobs. This shift has allowed us to improve our work-life balance significantly. We’re proud that during Joana Galvao’s maternity leave, she didn’t need to check emails once – a testament to the trust and efficiency we’ve built within our team.

Our focus on mental health and business growth has created a more sustainable and fulfilling work environment for everyone.

Strategies for Lead Generation and Conversion

Lead generation isn’t just about cold calls anymore. We’ve got new tricks up our sleeve to turn prospects into loyal clients.

Play Video about Become A Lead Generation Machine (Easy Way To Get More Clients)

Building Personal Connections and Leveraging Networks

Building personal connections and leveraging networks are crucial for successful lead generation. We’ve found that these strategies can significantly boost our client acquisition efforts.

business social networking
  • Connect with industry influencers: We reached out to Selena Sue, a renowned publicity expert, through her newsletter. This approach opened doors to new opportunities and expanded our network.
  • Nurture existing relationships: Our conversation with Delia resulted in $50,000 worth of business. We consistently follow up with past clients and contacts to maintain strong connections.
  • Attend industry events: We participate in conferences, workshops, and meetups to meet potential clients face-to-face and build rapport.
  • Utilize social media platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram help us engage with our target audience and showcase our expertise.
  • Join professional associations: Membership in relevant groups provides access to valuable resources and networking opportunities.
  • Offer value upfront: We share insights, tips, and free resources to establish credibility and attract potential clients.
  • Implement a referral program: We incentivize satisfied clients to recommend our services, leveraging word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Host webinars or workshops: These events allow us to demonstrate our knowledge and connect with interested prospects.
  • Collaborate with complementary businesses: Partnerships with non-competing companies help us tap into new customer bases.
  • Engage in community service: Volunteering for local causes helps us build a positive reputation and meet like-minded individuals.

Providing Value to Past and Potential Clients

Building on our network connections, we focus on delivering value to our clients. We’ve learned from Joana Galvao’s approach. She offered to work on Selena Sue’s sales page for free, deepening their relationship.

This strategy pays off in long-term partnerships.

We send thoughtful gestures like postcards and birthday gifts to enhance client experiences. Our team engages on social media and shares business improvement ideas. These actions maintain strong client relationships and often lead to referrals.

We’ve seen a 30% increase in repeat business since implementing these practices.

Joana Galvao

The key to client retention isn't just great work—it's showing you care beyond the project scope.

Joana Galvao

Masterclass Insights from Joana Galvao

Joana Galvao’s masterclass offers game-changing insights for lead generation. Her approach focuses on three key areas that can transform your business’s client acquisition strategy.

The Three Core Pillars for Actionable Lead Generation

We’ve identified three core pillars essential for actionable lead generation. These pillars – permission, performance, and perseverance – form the foundation of effective marketing strategies.




These pillars help attract the right leads and maximize conversion rates. Let’s explore how to leverage word-of-mouth marketing for lead generation.

Defining Ideal Clients and Projects

woman discussing details of project with clients

Defining ideal clients and projects is crucial for business success. Our focus lies on pinpointing customers who align with our values and expertise. This approach leads to higher-quality work and increased job satisfaction.

We’ve found that collaborating with the right clients naturally attracts similar referrals, expanding our network organically.

Ideal client profiles help streamline our marketing efforts. By clearly outlining project preferences, we attract opportunities that match our strengths. This targeted strategy boosts efficiency and client satisfaction.

It also allows us to deliver exceptional results consistently, solidifying our reputation in the industry.

Connecting with the Right People

marketing experts working on new strategies

Having defined our ideal clients and projects, we’re ready to connect with the right people. Our strategy focuses on leveraging word-of-mouth referrals – a proven method that’s brought us significant success.


We’ve found that traditional marketing approaches often fall short. Our experience shows that even after investing $30,000 in a funnel and $3,000 on ads, most of our clients still came through personal recommendations.


We prioritize building strong relationships with past and potential clients. This approach has consistently outperformed paid marketing efforts. By providing value and maintaining these connections, we’ve created a network that generates leads organically.

Our team at Ottawa Electric has seen firsthand how this method builds trust and credibility, leading to more qualified leads and long-term partnerships.

Capitalizing on Word of Mouth

people talking together

Word of mouth drives 91% of B2B buying decisions. We’ve seen this power firsthand at Ottawa Electric. Our reputation for quick service and safety-first approach spreads rapidly among clients.


To harness this, we’ve developed a strategic approach. We focus on clearly defining who we are, what we do, and who we serve. This clarity helps our satisfied customers become our best advocates.


We don’t leave word-of-mouth to chance. Our team actively encourages referrals and testimonials. We’ve implemented a customer relationship management (CRM) system to track and nurture these valuable connections.


By consistently delivering exceptional service and following up with past clients, we’ve turned casual recommendations into a reliable lead generation machine. This approach has significantly boosted our client base and revenue without costly ad campaigns or aggressive outbound marketing tactics.

Reconnecting with Past Leads and Nurturing Client Relationships

We’ve found success in re-engaging past leads through targeted email campaigns. Our team uses the “nine-word email” template to spark interest and reignite conversations. This simple yet effective approach has significantly boosted our response rates and reconnected us with potential clients who’d previously slipped through the cracks.


Nurturing client relationships post-project is crucial for long-term success. We’ve implemented various engagement strategies to stay top-of-mind with our clients. These include sending personalized thank-you notes, requesting referrals, and sharing valuable industry insights.

By maintaining regular contact, we’ve seen a 30% increase in repeat business and a steady stream of warm referrals.


Lead generation mastery transforms businesses. Joana Galvao’s insights offer a roadmap to success. Personal connections and value provision drive client acquisition. Consistent outcomes stem from documented processes and systems.

Mental well-being plays a crucial role in business performance. Take action now – implement these strategies to become a lead generation powerhouse.

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Frequently asked questions

It’s about becoming a lead generation machine. Joana Galvao teaches easy ways to get more clients through digital marketing and online lead generation strategies.

You’ll learn to use SEO, content marketing, and social media campaigns. These boost your website’s visibility in search engines, attracting more sales leads and potential customers.

The masterclass covers inbound marketing, email marketing, and chatbots. You’ll also explore PPC, SMS marketing, and referral strategies to enhance your marketing efforts.

Yes! You’ll discover how to use CRM systems and marketing automation. These tools help nurture leads, track the customer journey, and improve customer experiences.

Absolutely. The course includes modern approaches like TikTok and Instagram Stories. You’ll learn to create engaging content for various social media platforms.

You’ll gain insights on buyer behavior and value propositions. This knowledge helps sales reps convert marketing-qualified leads into customers more effectively.