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New Features

April 2021

Email Quote Form Builder

Customize the email quote check-out process by adding as many custom fields as you would like.

Quote Management CRM

Yay! Now you can store, organize, filter, export and maintain your quotes. With the ability to change the status, you will be able to 

Images in Dropdowns

Add images to your dropdown items to add visual cues to what your product is.

We recommend a square image of 200 x 200 pixels.

Mandatory User-Information for Payments

Are you using Stripe, PayPal or WooCommerce? Use this extra setting to force them to fill out a custom questionnaire before they proceed to the payments section.

Multiple Totals

Several ways are available for displaying multiple totals. You may display subsection totals as well as use a shortcode to supply the calculator total anywhere else on the site/page.

Other Fixes