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How to Build a Kick-Ass WordPress Payment Form with PayPal

You need just an hour to build a payment form that can accept PayPal payments from your customers. All you need to do is to download the premium version of Stylish Cost Calculator and integrate PayPal plugin into it. This payment form will present your customers with a price estimation of your products and services, and a one-click payment button. It also accepts card payments so that people who don't have a PayPal account can shop from your website
infographic pay paypal

Table of Contents

How to Integrate Stylish Cost Calculator to PayPal?

Note – You have the option to integrate Stripe payment gateway along with PayPal into Stylish Cost Calculator. You are not trading one for another, and your customers can pay through either of payment gateways.
paypal logo



Download the free version of the Stylish Cost Calculator and set up an order form. The free plugin will give you an idea if it’s a good fit for you; however, you need the premium version to link to PayPal. Click here to buy the premium version or click here to take it for a test-drive.


Select the first option to load a one-click template or select the second option to start from scratch.


Add your products or services and mention their description and prices.


Click on PayPal in the Payment Options at the bottom of the form. Fill in the details and click on refresh in the preview form. It will add a PayPal button on the payment form.



Copy the shortcode and paste it into the backend of your WordPress website builder. Click here for a tutorial.

What is the Stylish Cost Calculator (WordPress Plugin)?

Stylish Cost Calculator is an instant price estimation form. It displays the estimated price of your products and services using its custom math functionality to calculate the price in real-time, as your customers browse through the items listed in the order form and make selections.

This form allows vendors to easily list their products and services, without confusing the customers. You can deliver an extraordinary shopping experience using dropdown menus, sliders, check-boxes, quantity input boxes, toggle switches, etc. to list the items of your business.

Stylish Cost Calculator has everything you need to build an order form with payment enabled.
WordPress Price Estimator Explained

Why Integrate PayPal plugin into SCC to accept payments?

Integrating PayPal into SCC has the following benefits:

Make paying easier for your customers:
This form gives a price estimate to the customer with a button to make online payments. They don’t need to do complex calculations before making the purchase.

Credit Card Payments:
Customers without a PayPal account are not restricted from purchasing from you because PayPal accepts credit cards as well.

No login required:
With PayPal Express, also known as Paypal checkout, your users do not need to login to their PayPal account to make a payment. They are not obliged to share any of their sensitive information.

Collect user information:
With the user’s consent, you can collect the date of service, email address, names and everything else you need to grow your business through internet marketing. SCC doubles as a contact form.

Extra features:
With Stylish Cost Calculator, you can choose a Succesful Payment URL (redirect back to a page) and Cancel Payment URL

Payment list storage:
You can use Gmail filters to store all your list of payments automatically and access them in the future while filing taxes or if while solving a customer dispute.

Multiple payment options
You can collect payments with credit cards, bitcoin or e-cheque.

What's not Possible with the PayPal plugin?

The PayPal plugin doesn’t have a donate button, so you can’t ask your users for donations. A third party PayPal Donation plugin will solve the problem.
You can’t use it for recurring payments either. But don’t fret, we have a workaround for that. PayPal plugin can prove to be inept for people who sell digital downloads. It doesn’t give the download links after the customer completes the payment. The link for downloads will have to be sent manually via email or some other medium.

How does the WordPress PayPal plugin with form works?

Sellers use WordPress PayPal plugin to accept payments since order forms don’t have a built-in payment gateway, i.e., order forms by themselves are not capable of accepting payments. You need to integrate a payment gateway like Stripe, or PayPal into the order form.

When you integrate Paypal plugin into the order form, the purchase process works in 3 stages:

Stage 1:

The form lists your services or products in front of the customer to choose.

Stage 2:

After making the selections, customers can see an itemized list of those selections.

Stage 1:

The customers click the PayPal button to complete the purchase.

Where Should You Place this Form on Your Website?

You can place the WordPress PayPal Plugin with form on individual service pages. It saves the customer’s effort to search for the form on your website and causes less confusion.

For example, if you’re a marketing agency, you can build separate cost estimations for web design, PPC campaigns, social media management, SEO, branding, etc. With Stylish Cost Calculator, it’s just a matter of creating a new calculator and placing the shortcode on any of your pages.
Who Should Use a PayPal for WordPress Payment Form?

Service Industry

Any business in the service industry such as hairstylists, pet grooming, marketing and advertising, pest control, laundry, cooking instructors, private investigators, business consultants, etc., can benefit from using an order form. Stylish Cost Calculator can help your customers get a price estimation depending on the service tier, hours, date, add-ons, sell E-tickets, etc. SCC also allows the customers to select date and time for the appointment (under development).

Product Industry

Product forms are a popular choice for businesses selling physical products. These are used by fruits and vegetable vendors, florists, retail stores, bakeries, kitchen equipment, etc. The Stylish Cost Calculator neatly lists all your products and add-ons so that users can easily navigate between categories, and select items and their quantity.

Why Integrate PayPal into Stylish Cost Calculator
to act as a WordPress Payment Form with Payment option? ​

The benefits of using Stylish Cost Calculator with PayPal plugin integrations has the following benefits:

For Sellers:

Saves time

Stylish Cost Calculator can weed out bargain hunters and save you tons of time required to answer queries from people with a low chance of converting. You can set your prices based on what you believe your services are worth, regardless of whether people find them expensive or inexpensive.

Brand Integrity

Using SCC will level up your brand's image. It's neat, functional and has customization options that you can use to make the font and color scheme of the payment form consistent with the website. SCC order form looks and feels professional.

  • It ensures secure transactions
  • It allows you to collect upfront payments
  • Customers’ don’t have to leave the to complete payment
  • Supports all currencies, making international transactions easy
  • Live currency conversions for your customers from abroad
  • Custom maths to help customers visualize the cost in real-time

Secure and Swift Processor

PayPal for WordPress swiftly allows you to set up an account. It saves the hassles of working with a credit card processing company or a bank.

A payment processor saves you from fraudulent transactions by:

  • Checking the validity of the buyer’s credit card,
  • Blocking the IP addresses and email addresses of problematic buyers
  • Blocking payments that send users beyond their credit limit.
PayPal’s payment processing is simple and effective. You can open your e-commerce shop in the morning and start accepting payments in the afternoon.

Easy Application Process

Registering with PayPal is simple. To start your account, you just need to provide your first and last name, country, address, telephone number, email and accept the PayPal User Agreement. You can start receiving money right without investing lots of time and resources.

No Need to Create a separate Merchant Account

Businesses need a merchant account to accept debit and credit card payments. PayPal lets you by-pass the need of opening a separate merchant account with a bank.

For customers:

Better Customer Experience

Simple Cost Calculator's advanced customization options and functionality lets you make the customer's buying experience smooth. The PayPal for WordPress plugin integration option is a cherry on the cake. Your customers will thank you for making their lives easier.

Saves time and confusion

Simple Cost Calculator makes the process of browsing and selection effortless. It helps the user visualize the price of your services, and complete their purchase on the spot with PayPal Express Checkout.

No need to create PayPal Account

Your customers don't need to have an account with PayPal to pay you as it accepts credit card payments.

Trusted by Millions

PayPal is among the popular payment gateways in several countries. Chances are that majority of international customers are familiar with PayPal, and won't hesitate to purchase through it.

How to Accept Donations through PayPal Donate Button on your WordPress Website

PayPal lets you accept donations on your WordPress website. Download a PayPal donation plugin through your WordPress Dashboard and install it on your website.

After activating it, follow this procedure:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click the PayPal Settings tab.
  3. Click PayPal Donations and create your donation button.
  4. Embed shortcode in your WordPress website through the backend editor.

Key Takeaway

WordPress gives you all the tools to set up an eCommerce website and start selling online. An effective WordPress PayPal Plugin with form like Stylish Cost Calculator enables you to sell anything.

PayPal’s payment processor gives a reliable option to merchants to receive payments securely and swiftly, without going through the tedious process of opening a merchant account with a bank. With a few clicks, you can set up a PayPal button and PayPal shopping cart and change your website into an eCommerce store.

Integrating PayPal plugin into Stylish Cost Customer can level up your brand’s image and improve the customer experience. Click here to try the premium version of Stylish Cost Calculator.