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Image & File Upload

A Complete guide
infographic element upload

Table of Contents

media upload

Feature Description

Giving users the ability to add files and media to your site’s forms can make it way easier for you to collect the information you need.

Benefits, Features & Use Cases

There are plenty of supported files

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(.doc, .xls, .ppt, and .pdf)


(.png, .gif, and .jpg)


(.mpg, .mov, and .wmv)

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(.wav, .mp3, and .mp4)

Where Does it Go?

The file gets uploaded to your WP upload folder and can be accessed via the Quote Management System.


👉 Note:

The file does not automatically get attached to the outgoing email that the frontend user receives (along with their quote PDF file) due to email deliverability issues. In the future, we will create a setting for you to choose if the file gets attached or not.

How It Works

How to Activate & Use This Feature

Step 1.

To add a new File Upload Field, click on the "+ Add Element" button

Then click over "File Upload" and that's it! You've added a file upload field to your form.

Settings & Options

Media Title

Add a title to your file upload field.

Placeholder text

Add a placeholder to your file upload field. For example: "Upload your ID"

File types

You can customize the types of files that your customers are gonna be able to upload

Max File Size

You can set a maximum upload size in kilobytes (kbs)

Where Does the File Go? File Storage

1. The file gets sent to the user and admin email as a file attachment .

2. The file also gets stored in your Quote Management Screen.


👉 The file folder on your server will be

* Please make sure this folder doesn’t grow too big in file size as your hosting company might have storage limits.

Additional Information

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Don't miss a powerful feature! 👇