icon-Recurso 30

Funeral Cost Calculator

Our Funeral Cost Calculator delivers concise, customized cost estimates for funeral planning, aiding families in making informed choices during sensitive times.

This efficient tool enhances transparency and trust, simplifying the decision-making process for both businesses and families.

Professional Memorial Services
Please select the professional services needed for the memorial. Prices below reflect the initial 25KM from our location to the burial or location of cremation. Extra charges for any additional kilometres.
Core professional service
Co-ordinating activities, transporting (initial 25 KM), documentation, transfer vehicle.
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Casket & Urn Selection
Please select one of three casket & urn options.
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Please choose an option !
Mandatory Disbursements
Coroner's Fee
This fee is mandatory
Please choose an option !
Municipal Licensing Fee
This fee is mandatory
Please choose an option !
Cremation Fee (Highfields Park Crematorium)
This fee is mandatory
Please choose an option !
Cash disbursements
Please choose an option !
AfterCare & Estate Supports
Following the death of a loved one, family members are often left with an enormous amount of paperwork that must be completed to maximize government and corporate benefits and guard against identity theft. In addition, executors and next of kin often need support in understanding the estate process, including probate, banking changes, and impact on estate assets.

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The price must be at least $0 Please interact with any of the choices available above.

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